Sugar-free cola nutrition facts

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[ Date | 2022-01-31 22:31 -0500 ]
[ Mod. | 2022-08-22 16:32 -0400 ]

In Canada, as of 2022, Coke and Pepsi sell four superficially identical products:

My understanding of the reasons why both brands would each have two seemingly identical products is that, traditionally, the “Diet” cola had been marketed to women wanting to control their body weight; limiting the sales to Real Macho Men™. This understanding is based on TV ads from the 1980s and 1990s, and may be incorrect.

Summarized nutritional information for sugar-free Coke and Pepsi drinks. Calories, fat, carbohydrates: zero in all cases.
Ingredient Diet Coke Coke Zero Diet Pepsi Pepsi Zero
Sodium 25mg 20mg 15mg 10mg
Protein 0.1g 0.1g 0.1g 0.1g
Potassium 10mg 40mg (Ace K) 20mg (Ace K) 20mg
Caffeine 28mg 21mg 22mg 43mg

Coca-Cola reports potassium content in the main “nutrition facts” table, whereas Pepsi reports acesulfame potassium contents (“Ace K” above) in the list of ingredients. I can’t tell if Ace K counts as potassium, but I assume the numbers in the table can be compared between brands.

Comparison with coffee

Caffeine content of Nespresso Canada’s “Bestsellers Original”. Source for the caffeine content is Nespresso Taiwan.
Name Caffeine (mg/cup)
Napoli 109
Ristretto Italiano 75
Roma 63
Palermo Kazaar 113
Firenze Arpeggio 63
mean 84

Various vaguely-reliable search results (checking the first page of results from googling “caffeine in one espresso”) report 50 to 100mg of caffeine per cup of espresso. This is mostly consistent with the table above.

Relative caffeine content of various sugar-free colas (222mL) and espresso coffee (one cup).
Beverage Caffeine content (mg) Caffeine content
Diet Coke 222mL 28
Coke Zero 222mL 21
Diet Pepsi 222mL 22
Pepsi Zero 222mL 43
espresso cup 80

Assuming a cup of espresso contains 80mg of caffeine, this means that a 222mL can of Diet Coke, Coke Zero, or Diet Pepsi has about a quarter the caffeine of an espresso, while Pepsi Zero has half the caffeine of an espresso. This is significant, and higher amounts than I expected in diet cola.

Comparison with bananas

The U.S. Department of Agriculture reports the potassium content of a medium banana (118g) as 422mg. Assuming that the Ace K in soda (C₄H₄KNO₄S) counts as potassium, this means that a single banana contains from about 10 to 40 times as much as a small can of sugar-free cola.

Relative potassium content of various sugar-free colas (222mL) and banana (one).
Product Potassium content (mg) Potassium content
Diet Coke (222mL) 10
Coke Zero (222mL) 40
Diet Pepsi (222mL) 20
Pepsi Zero (222mL) 20
banana (one) 422

I am told, with a reference from Encyclopedia of Food Sciences and Nutrition1 that “[the] sweetener is not metabolized by the human body”; “Acesulfame K is not metabolized by the body and is excreted by the kidneys unchanged.” So perhaps this comparison is moot.


  1. Caballero B, Trugo L, Finglas P. Encyclopedia of food sciences and nutrition: Volumes 1-10. 2003 (2nd ed.)—thanks, Heather B.!↩︎

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