Microwave oven power granularity

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[ Date | 2018-08-06 23:22 -0400 ]

Most microwave ovens let their user set a power level between 10% and 100% in 10% increments. However, it seems that there is no such thing as a partially-on magnetron; it's either full-on or full off.

I measured the power consumption of my microwave oven every second over one-minute periods with all the available power settings. The data confirms that the consumptions is either 1440W (full-on) or 38W (idle); intermediate values are rare.

The graphs below use a cutoff of 200W to decide whether to consider the oven on or off. The duty cycle computation uses the actual, non-boolean power values, which explains why they do not fully match the graphs.

Power level: 10%

microwave-10.json time

Power (W): min = 37, max = 1325; duty cycle: 5.2%; n = 61

Power level: 20%

microwave-20.json time

Power (W): min = 35, max = 1451; duty cycle: 18.0%; n = 62

Power level: 30%

microwave-30.json time

Power (W): min = 34, max = 1421; duty cycle: 28.5%; n = 61

Power level: 40%

microwave-40.json time

Power (W): min = 37, max = 1420; duty cycle: 36.7%; n = 61

Power level: 50%

microwave-50.json time

Power (W): min = 32, max = 1444; duty cycle: 46.9%; n = 61

Power level: 60%

microwave-60.json time

Power (W): min = 37, max = 1365; duty cycle: 59.2%; n = 62

Power level: 70%

microwave-70.json time

Power (W): min = 37, max = 1373; duty cycle: 71.8%; n = 61

Power level: 80%

microwave-80.json time

Power (W): min = 37, max = 1395; duty cycle: 78.8%; n = 62

Power level: 90%

microwave-90.json time

Power (W): min = 37, max = 1429; duty cycle: 87.5%; n = 62

Power level: 100%

microwave-100.json time

Power (W): min = 203, max = 1465; duty cycle: 94.3%; n = 61


Measurements confirm the popular belief that microwave ovens adjust power by alternating idle and fully-on periods, over durations of several seconds. In the case of my oven specifically, cycles last about thirty seconds. This means that heating something up at 10% for thirty seconds will not give the expected equivalent of three seconds of energy.


File of JSON lines: microwave-oven-power-all.json.



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