French English words


This series of pages lists words that are acceptable for the game of Scrabble both in French and in English. That list was obtained by computing the intersection of a dictionary of French words and a dictionary of English words; the same ones used by Scarab.

Table of contents

  1. From aa to azygos, 1311 words.
  2. From ba to bytes, 975 words.
  3. From cab to czars, 2153 words.
  4. From da to dystrophies, 1202 words.
  5. From eagle to eyras, 902 words.
  6. From fa to futures, 744 words.
  7. From gabardine to gyrostats, 622 words.
  8. From ha to hysterectomies, 416 words.
  9. From ibidem to ixias, 913 words.
  10. From jab to juxtapositions, 196 words.
  11. From ka to kyrie, 222 words.
  12. From la to lysozymes, 673 words.
  13. From ma to mythos, 1171 words.
  14. From na to nymphos, 360 words.
  15. From oasis to ozonises, 441 words.
  16. From paca to pyxides, 1714 words.
  17. From qat to quotients, 111 words.
  18. From rabat to ryes, 1157 words.
  19. From sabayon to syzygies, 1651 words.
  20. From ta to tziganes, 1113 words.
  21. From ufologies to uvulas, 109 words.
  22. From vacant to vulpine, 489 words.
  23. From wad to woofers, 79 words.
  24. From xanthine to xyloses, 18 words.
  25. From yacht to yuppies, 64 words.
  26. From zaibatsu to zymogenes, 110 words.


If you wish to have a copy of the words I found in both my French and my English Scrabble dictionaries, here it is.

EncodingMD5 sumgzippedMD5 sum
US-ASCII e4a4e91e2f1746e1ca629c65d1ac2dd8 txt.gz 5165fa403829283ded726b0b515e2a9c
ISO-8859-1 e4a4e91e2f1746e1ca629c65d1ac2dd8 txt.gz 5165fa403829283ded726b0b515e2a9c
ISO-8859-15 e4a4e91e2f1746e1ca629c65d1ac2dd8 txt.gz 5165fa403829283ded726b0b515e2a9c
UTF-8 e4a4e91e2f1746e1ca629c65d1ac2dd8 txt.gz 5165fa403829283ded726b0b515e2a9c
Shift JIS e4a4e91e2f1746e1ca629c65d1ac2dd8 txt.gz 5165fa403829283ded726b0b515e2a9c

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French English words
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Scarab: dictionnaire de Scrabble
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