Git aliases

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[ Date | 2023-05-27 18:15 -0400 ]
[ Mod. | 2023-05-27 18:22 -0400 ]
[ Current movie | I'm Gonna Git You Sucka ]

Here is an excerpt from my git-config file:

    branch-name = rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD
    ci = commit
    co = checkout
    comain = ! git checkout $(git-main-branch)
    fmerge = merge --no-ff -
    hedit = ! bash -c 'git rebase -i HEAD~$0'
    heditm = ! bash -c 'git rebase -i $(git-main-branch)'
    p = pull-request --draft
    please = push --force-with-lease
    pusho = ! bash -c 'git push --set-upstream origin $(git branch-name)'
    rhardu = reset --hard @{upstream}
    rpull = pull --rebase
    rpulls = ! git stash save && git pull --rebase && git stash pop
    slog = shortlog --no-merges --summary --numbered
    sta = status

Not all of those aliases are great. Not all of them will be good for every person. Arguably, some Git operations are more easily performed using higher-level tools (perhaps Magit, tig, Sourcetree, Fork, IntelliJ): I encourage you to try some alternatives and find which you prefer.

Straightforward convenience aliases

Those rename existing, common Git commands, giving them shorter names.

Benefits: Reduce the amount of typing, serving the user’s sense of laziness. Document useful but semi-rarely used commands.

Drawbacks: Get you used to typing commands that will only work for you. It is best to use the longer version in external communication and in scripts, to avoid reliance on your personal alias settings being present.


Rewrite history (hedit, heditm)

This is a subject in its own right, and would best be demonstrated on an example repository.

hedit <commit-count> (“history edit”)

Running git hedit 4, for example, will start editing the history of the last 4 commits (an “interactive rebase”). This opens a text editor list this many commits and their titles. Editing markers allows merging commits, and editing their messages. Reordering or removing lines allows reordering or deleting commits, respectively.

heditm (“history edit main”)

Starts the same history editing process as hedit, but includes all commits leading to the main branch (using the git-main-branch script as a dependency).

Revert branch to remote state (rhardu)

I think of this as “flipping tables” (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻; “revert hard upstream”. This gets rid of any local changes, committed or not, making the current branch identical to its remote counterpart. I find this useful in two situations:

Go back to the main branch (comain)

Git repositories used to use master as the default name for a repository’s main branch. More recent practice is to use main as the name for the main branch. On top of that, some developers and project have different preferences and use other names for their main branch.

This alias checks out the repository’s main branch, without the developer having to remember what it is named. It relies on a command git-main-branch existing:

#! /bin/bash
set -euo pipefail

get-main-branch-name() {
    local ref
    local branch
    if ref=$(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref origin/HEAD 2>/dev/null); then
        printf 1>&2 \
               $'No `origin/HEAD\'; trying to match against `%s\'.\n' "$pat"
        ## Try to find a common name from one of the local branches
        branch=$(git branch | grep --only-matching --max-count 1 \
                     --extended-regexp "\b($pat)\b")

    printf '%s\n' "$branch"


Push a newly-created branch (pusho)


This prints the name of the branch that is currently checked out. pusho uses branch-name as a dependency.

pusho (push to origin)

This pushes the current branch to and identically named upstream branch at origin. Useful when pushing a new branch for the first time. (Just git push is insufficient with default Git settings, and I like to be explicit when creating a remote tracking branch).

Oddball (p)

This alias is not to be passed to Git, but rather to GitHub’s hub tool (deprecated in favor of GitHub CLI), which also considers Git configuration files.

hub p opens a GitHub pull request from the current branch, in Draft mode.

  1. Merge with the “Create a merge commit” option, which in my opinion should generally be used except in exceptional circumstances, as it makes clear which group of commits are the result of work on a specific feature.↩︎

  2. I.e., it seems easier to start over than to try to undo into a better state.↩︎

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