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[ Date | 2022-10-29 22:22 -0400 ]
[ Mod. | 2022-10-31 16:27 -0400 ]

Recently, I finally moved my personal e-mail service to a Debian 11.5 server, from a years-out-of-date version.

For years, I had heard of notmuch being a modern program able to replace mairix to search mail.

In the process of configuring my services, I accidentally discovered that mu (package maildir-utils), which I had installed solely for its mkdir subcommand, supported indexing and searching. This caused a problem: I suddenly had alternatives, and would have to decide which one to use. Performance comparisons of both exist online, but this seems strange to me in hindsight, because:

  1. Both notmuch and mu index and search very quickly on current systems, making any difference of performance between the two inconsequential;

  2. the two tools appear to have completely different goals:

    As far as I can tell, mu is meant to be mainly a search tool. It expects its input to be e-mails in Maildir format. Its index is just an index; it doesn’t replicate the full contents of each input e-mail, but rather just what is needed to point from search terms to the path of the message on disk.

    Conversely, notmuch seems to be mainly an e-mail client: its “index” really includes all that is needed to display and generally interact with e-mails, and whole clients are built that interface solely with that database.

That made the choice easy for me: mu. notmuch’s non-traditional model of tagging felt confusing and scary, I was unsure if it would be possible to serve e-mail via standard protocols such as IMAP, and, finally, it looked like I would have to jump through hoops to be able to keep using my preferred e-mail client.


This compares a relatively recent version of mu1 with my experience of a years-old version of mairix, so it may not be fair. Still:

Convenience wrapper

Years of being used to mairix’s interface (mairix <search expression> with a configuration file saying what to do with matches) led me to write this crude wrapper to mu:

## Interface to `mu find' that vaguely mimics mairix + configuration

set -euo pipefail

mu find \
    --format=links --linksdir="$DOUT" --clearlinks -- \

find "$DOUT"/cur -type l -printf 1 | wc -c | \
    jq --compact-output '{matches: .}'

Pass <search expression> to this script and it will put matches in a mailbox named res within the user’s $MAILDIR directory, where an e-mail client can go list and read them.

The part at the end with jq is to print a count of matches for the user to see so they can decide whether to refine the query or go look at the results. Normally, mu prints nothing at all when matches are found.

  1. mu (mail indexer/searcher) version 1.4.15 from 2021-01-23↩︎

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